Thursday, January 13, 2011

Podmo hoye

Papri khoye


Jabo AMI moria,



Kintu TUMI neer hoye

Chirokal thakbe bachia..





The English translation:::::I’m the lotus which grows in water,then loses its petals and dies in water…but you are the water,in which I am born,I grow …you are water in which I die,but you never do so…



Here,”you” is left to the imagination of the can be the universal God..or some one loves..i want my readers to colour it with their own imaginative powers..






  1. one of the smallest creations of mine..sorry to my readers for such an indefinite span of time,with zero updates in my blog.....

  2. tor ei kobitata boro sundor..
    I am becoming a fan of your poetry...
    This was so simple, succinct, and yet powerful, emotive.. pervading through the whims of the sublime nature around you.. marvelous.. piece of write.. :)

  3. osadharon ..sotyi osadharon.. barbar pore cholechi

  4. jano na mane kotota bhalo lage jokhon amar line of thoughts keu carry kore amr lekhar jothartho gurutto dai....

    jus,thank u so much...

    emni,janiye rakhi,eta amar onek purono 1ta creation kintu..but amar ei chotto lekha karor kache patta paini temon kore....aj tumi jokhon dile,i'm jus...i dnt know..i dnt have words.....i simply,gracefully n humbly accept the praise for this writing of mine :)



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